Entering Treatment Details: Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate

  • Once the diagnosis details are complete, you can begin entering in the treatment details. These details can be added at any time after the patient profile is created, it does not need to be done at the same time. Whatever workflow works best for the clinic. This video example shows how to enter BMAC treatment details for a patient with right hip osteoarthritis.
  • You will select BMAC from the treatment dropdown list, then you will choose the specific product details that your clinic uses. 
  • You will then be able to enter in all the treatment details. If there is an asterisk next to the title, this field is required. If not, this is additional information that it is up to your discretion if you would like to track or not. (see images below)
  • For the extraction site details, you are able to select multiple answers. 
  • For adding another injection site, if you select yes it will bring up a few more details to fill out. It will ask the location of the secondary site as well as the volume delivered. You may enter multiple additional injection sites if necessary.
  • Guidance: is a multiselect option as well if you use multiple tools for guidance. (image below)
  • After guidance, the rest of the fields are additional details. (see image below)
  • Once saved, you have completed entering in all the necessary information about the treatment. Changes can be made at any time by selecting “edit patient” at the top right hand corner of the page. 
  • If a secondary treatment session is needed, you can do this by selecting “add new session” at the right hand corner of the page when you are entering in the treatment details. (see image below)

Image 1: BMAC 

Image 2: Product Details


Image 3: Extraction Site Details-Multiselect 

Image 4: Treatment Details

Image 5: Guidance- Multiselect 

Image 6: Additional Details 

Image 7: Add New Session (circled)