Getting Started: Enrolling a Patient
- How to Create a Patient
- Click Add a Patient at the top left corner (this button is accessible on any page in the platform)
- Enter in patient demographics (if treating multiple body parts during the treatment, add it here as well so patient will only get one survey for entire treatment) (ex: bilateral body parts)
- Note: all phone numbers are unique to specific patient, no number can be used twice
- Note: If it is a cell phone, patients can receive text messages. If it is a landline, our system is not able to send out the text.
- Encourage entering in an email as well, if a landline phone number then email is required to send out the link otherwise surveys can be completed manually in the office.
- Note: same email can be used for multiple patients if necessary.
- As soon as this page is saved the baseline survey will be sent out to the patient
- Note: treatment date cannot be backdated
- Patient info can be edited after created
- Diagnosis and treatment information can be added at any time once the patient is created, it does not have to be at the time of signing the patient up
*Be sure to educate patients about the text/emails they will receive so they do not mistake it for spam messages ( phone number is 833 area code)